Clabelia (Kelly) Solis
State Representative
HWNT RGV Chapter
Clabelia (Kelly) Solis currently serves on the HWNT-RGV board as State Representative. She has been a member of HWNT RGV for 8 years. During that time she has served as Vice Chair for Scholarship and Parliamentarian. Kelly had the privilege of launching the Latinas in Progress Program for the RGV chapter dedicated to preparing young Latinas for college and beyond. She was the recipient of 2017 HWNT RGV Estrella Award for her work with the launch. The Estrella Award recognizes chapter members who have made a significant contribution to the organization and community. Kelly has served as a board member on the City of McAllen Community Development Block Grant Advisory Board for 6 years working on supporting local non-profits serving our community. After 36 years in various roles of teacher and administrator, she retired from the Region One Education Service Center where she served as Director of Special Education for twelve years. Mrs. Solis received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Pan American University with a major in Elementary Education and a minor in Special Education. She completed her Masters of Science from the University of Texas Pan American in supervision. She then completed her certification in visual impairments from Texas Tech University. She is married to her loving husband of 42 years, Erasmo and has 2 adult children and a grandson, Arthur James. She loves traveling with her husband exploring new destinations and having new adventures.