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Marty Ethridge

Registered Nurse

Marty is a Registered Nurse, Health Care & Education Advocate & a Patron of the Arts. She has been a Nurse for 35 years with experience in the following specialties & areas: Valley Hospitals, Hidalgo County Health Department; Home Health Care & Local School Districts. Her Philosophy is to strive to provide compassionate quality health care by empowering the client to make lifestyle changes through health promotion, disease prevention & education. Marty’s Mission is to provide holistic health care services to all clientele regardless of religion, culture and race with dignity & respect. Her Goals are to promote wellness through lifestyle choices & making a positive impact. Marty has been involved in multiple Organizations and Community Events such as the following: Phi Theta Kappa Beta Epsilon Mu Chapter; National Association of School Nurses; Texas School Nurses Organization; Parent Teacher Association; Rio Grande Valley Interpreters for the Deaf; American Federation of Teachers; Association of Texas Professional Educators; Hispanic Women’s Network of Texas (HWNT); FemCity RGV; Museum of South Texas History; International Museum of Art & Science (IMAS) as a Smithsonian member; IMAS Guild Member & Junior League of McAllen Provisional Member 2023. She has participated and attended in many community Events such as the following: Keep McAllen Beautiful; March of Dimes; Comfort House; McAllen Christmas Posadas; McAllen Boys & Girls Club; National Poison Control Awareness and Rio Grande Valley Diabetes Association. These are a few of the many events & Organizations that Marty has Passionately been involved & attended. Therefore, becoming a Lady in Red with the Hispanic Women’s Network of Texas RGV will provide a chance to contribute to Future Leaders in the Rio Grande Valley. It is an opportunity to make a Positive Worth While impact by providing support to Future Hispanic Ladies in becoming Professional Women in the Community in South Texas

Marty Ethridge



The Hispanic Women's Network of Texas promotes the advancement of women in public, corporate,

and civic life through education, personal and professional development.



To be a premier women’s organization leading as an agent of change.


HWNT is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and has become the premier Hispanic women's organization in Texas.


Phone: 956-524-2014



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